Official New Jersey State Flower - The Violet

The common blue violet is the official state flower of New Jersey. The Common Meadow Violet is a short-stemmed, herbaceous perennial known by a number of common names, including Purple Violet, Woolly Blue Violet, Hooded Violet and Wood Violet.

  • common blue violet
  • New Jersey State flower
  • State flower of New Jersey

New Jersey State Flower - The Violet

The common blue Violet is the New Jersey State Flower. They can be found in New Jersey lawns, fields, and meadows - anywhere that they can find warm spring sunshine.

State Flower Of New Jersey - Common blue violet

The state flower of New Jersey is the is also known as the "common blue violet" or the "meadow violet" and is scientifically called as Viola sororia. The violet was designated as the state flower by the New Jersey State Legislature in 1971.The Viola sororia flower is a small violet flower which is made of five delicate petals. Each petal has a white or yellow spot in the center. This New Jersey flower has leaves that are heart-shaped and dark green. This pretty flower commonly comes in blue and purple colors but are also available in pink, white, red and sometimes coral shades. The flowers grow in clusters and start to bloom in April early spring and flourish in abundance till the late summer months. The perennial is frequently seen growing along roadsides spreading their mild scent in the air.

About New Jersey

New Jersey is located in the northeastern United States. The state shares borders with New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. New Jersey is divided into two regions: the Highlands and the Piedmont. The capital of New Jersey is Trenton. The culture, custom and tradition in New Jersey is a mix of many different influences that come from a variety of origins. There is a strong Dutch influence in the state, as well as influences from other European countries. There is also a significant African American presence in the state, which has contributed to the state's culture and tradition. There is a wide range of food, music, and art from all over the world. New Jersey is also home to a number of historical sites and landmarks.

Meaning and Significance of Common blue violet (Viola sororia) -

The Latin name Viola, which means thoughts filled with love, is where the word Violet originates from. This asymmetrical flower in Jersey City NJ with heart-shaped leaves is not pleasing to eyes or just an official flower of New Jersey but also has great significance in various cultures. The common blue violet is frequently regarded as a symbol of innocence and also represents "Modesty" and "Humility." Violets are a representation of faith, inspiration, spirituality. In other cultures common blue violet is believed that their presences will protect you from evil spirits and negative energy.

Facts About Common blue violet -

  • The common blue violet is one of the more than 400 species of violet. This violet flower is the most prevalent in New Jersey.
  • The violet flower petals from Jersey City flower shop are often used by cooks and bakers to decorate cakes and also use it as a special ingredient in jellies and candies.
  • North Americans also use the violet blooms as a natural source of vitamins A and C in salads.
  • This flower is also used for a variety of purposes including herbal treatments and in wines too.

Other New Jersey Official State Symbols -

  • Official State Fish - Brook trout
  • Official State Fruit - Northern highbush blueberry
  • Official State Insect - European honey bee
  • Official State Dance - Square dance
  • Official State Vegetable - Jersey tomato
  • Official State Turtle - Bog turtle
  • Official State Bird - The Eastern Goldfinch
  • Official State Horse - Michael McCarthy

With Flower now florist Jersey City NJ, get this lovely violet flower home and let the scent linger around. You can also check out the range of flowers online.

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